Monday, September 29, 2008

8 fabulous years!!!!!!!

So J.B. and I have been married for 8 years now and it has been great. We have had loads of fun, been blessed with 3 beautiful boys and lots of laughs. We went to Park City for the weekend. We ate awesome food my favorite was the Eating Establisment So if you are ever in park city you totally need to eat there. We soaked in the hot tub. We shopped. J.B.'s least favorite thing to do but he comes cuz he loves me and besides he always gets a new watch. Thanks Fossil!!! We just spent some good ole fashioned quality time together.. It was much needed since our lives have been crazie. I also got my favorite caramel apple, The apple pie one. MMMMMM so good. I am so greatful for my Hubby. He loves me and the boys and takes good care of us. I so greatful he is a rightoeus man who wants to do good. He has had these last 8 yrs rock and I look forward to so many more. I love you Babe!!!!!

Here is 8 things I love about J.B.

1. He takes me to the temple
2. He makes me laugh even when I want to be mad
3. He is a fantastic Dad
4. He serves his community as a volenteer firefighter
5. He works hard for our family
6. He is smokin hot :)
7. He is my best friend
8. He loves me and makes mefeel good.

There are lots more but i went with those for now!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Lovin my new camera

Ok so we got a new camera last week and I love it. We got the nikon coolpixs. It has been awesome. we have been taking lots and lots of pics. Now I just need to get my internet going so I can share my pic with you alls. We had a fun weekend, we helped alan and michelle move to the new beautiful house in tooelle. then we had a bbq and just hung out. We got to play with our puppy. She gets to come home to us this month. I think J.B. is the most excited. On Monday we went to lunch with some of J.B.'s fam and then bought some of our all time fav. movies. The princess bride and newsies. it was fun. Life is good.