Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fun Day at School

Hi we are back on line, with pic's and everything so we are going with the most recent and movin' back till Im all caught up :0) The boys had Crazie hair day at school so we went and picked out colors to have fun with. There isnt a lot I can do to make their hair super crazie but we did have fun!!!
Here is B, he wanted both colors and he consented to let me put little ponies in his hair. Good sport huh!
Kyan on the other hand wanted nothing to do with the ponies, so we just went with the all orange spiky look. It was super fun!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hi all we are still here!!! Doing great and havin' fun!!! I now have 2 kids in school so my goal this week is to upload all my pictures. Love for you all!!!