Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fun Fun and more Fun!!!

Braeden was so excited to get this Mickey Mouse, its all he talked about!!
My Ky Guy, loves everything yellow!

Sooo cute

Buzz Lightyear was J.B.'s favorite. (well it may be a toss up between Buzz and Toy Story)

Okay funny story we went on whatever this ride is called where you sit in a boat and they drive you around. Kyan was a little nervous about things coming out of the water (maybe to much Jurassic Park 3) Well during one part the guide said there were Purana's and to be careful, so Kyan was nervously watching the water when all of the sudden the water started bubbling and the tour guide screeched and said look out! Kyan dropped to the bottom of the boat in a fetal position and would not come up until we told him they were gone. I don't think Ive ever seen him so scared:0) Needless to say we had to get a pic of him with the tour guide. Oh and I guess we owe J.B. an apology since both Suzie and I got after him cuz we thought he did it.

These next two pics. are of Kyan showing us how the roller coaster went, and what you do with your arms!!!

My favorite Disney show. Im totally in love with Wall E

My favorite ride.

There were tonz of people :0)

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